Original price was: £109.00.Current price is: £99.00.

Boldebolin is an injectable anabolic steroid. It is more popularly known under the brand name of Equipoise, but it is also referred as Boldenone Undecylnate. This is not just a steroid for bodybuilders, but professional athletes can benefit tremendously as well.

What it does is that increases the muscle mass of the user while it acts as a performance-enhancing drug. Since it is a derivative of testosterone, its androgenic and estrogenic nature is decreased. When we talk about its benefits, on the first place is certainly the muscle growth that provides. The rest of them are muscle strength and hardening, cutting and low estrogenic activity. Boldebolin is not used as a major substance of a bulking cycle as it is not capable of achieving 10-20lb like dianabol or testosterone can. Your body won’t grow in size but it will certainly get a nice shredded appearance.