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When used Methandienone , gives so much power however provides substantially adding too much muscles to your body. It can be combined and  in harmony with Deca , Trenbolone and kinds of testosterone. Specially you can obtain perfect results with testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate. While using danabol , using boldenone and oxymetholone is not proposed. Because they are products of the same family. If you use this combination, 

Danabol which increases the way your body synthesizes protein, increases your glycogenolysis and  strengthen you in a direct manner, is known as methandrostenolone as the brand name of the generic steroid.

Because it works faster than other steroids, bodybuilders use danabol that is simply a “mass steroid” reliable and quickly. With Danabol put on 2-4 pounds per week in the first six weeks, is normal. In many athletes who are prepared for a competition,  Dianabol has only limited use because of water retention and its high conversion rate into estrogen it complicates the athlete’s fat breakdown. For control this problem the person who use Nolvadex or Proviron, in this stage should use Dianabol together with the proven Parabolan, Winstrol Depot, Masterject, Oxandrolone, etc.

Methandienone Dosage; For athletes an effective daily dose is around 15-50 mg/day. Its Half-Life in your body is only good for 3 to 6 hours. When spread your doses to 3 to 4 times you can gain better results with 1 to 2 doses. Dianabol after 1-3 hours arrives the blood. A simple application of only 10 mg results in a 5-fold increase in the average testosterone concentration in the male.

Methandienone Side Effects; When it is be taken high dosages and over a longer period of time, Dianabol is liver-toxic. Dianabol can cause a serious acne on the face, neck, back, chest and shoulders. It can also speed up possible hair loss.  In high dosages of 50+ mg/day can occur mood swings, kidney damage, gyno, heart palpitations.

The half-life of Dianabol is only about 3 to 4 hours, a relatively short time. This means that a single daily dosage schedule will produce a varying blood level. The user likewise has a choice, to either split up the tablets during the day or to take them all at one time. The usual recommendation has been to divide them and try to regulate the concentration in your blood.